Dilma Done, Replaced by a Convict. And This Is Brazil!
Post on May 12, 2016, 9:51 am by the-victoria-law-group 0 Comments
So, there are lots of people dancing in the streets in Brazil today. The Real has already reacted, people believe that by ousting Dilma, Brazil is finally going to be “okay”. Not so fast, my friends. Dilma’s ouster isn’t going to cure Zika. Dilma’s ouster isn’t going to clean up Rio Bay in time for [�K]
Filed Under: Notícias de EUA

Brazilian owners of 777 Brickell take out $50M mortgage
Post on May 4, 2016, 12:47 pm by admin-2 0 Comments
Alliance Re Holdings, the Brazilian group that bought the SunTrust building at 777 Brickell Avenue last year, just took out a $50 million mortgage on the property. Citibank is the lender, county records show. Alliance Re purchased the SunTrust building for $140 million in February 2015. Company managers Adolfo Geo Filho, Rodolfo Giannetti Geo, Jose [�K]
Filed Under: Bens Imóveis

Governo aumenta imposto e fica mais caro comprar dólar em dinheiro vivo
Post on May 2, 2016, 3:59 pm by admin-2 0 Comments
Quem for comprar dólar ou outras moedas estrangeiras em dinheiro vivo vai pagar mais imposto a partir desta terça-feira (3). O governo aumentou a alíquota do Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras (IOF) de 0,38% para 1,1%. Até então, a compra de moeda estrangeira em dinheiro vivo em valor equivalente a R$ 1.000, por exemplo, teria uma [�K]
Filed Under: Business in Brazil

Olympics countdown: 100 fun facts about Rio de Janeiro
Post on April 28, 2016, 2:48 pm by admin-2 0 Comments
With 100 days to go until the starting pistol is fired at the Olympic Games, Telegraph Travel has unearthed 100 facts about the host city, Rio de Janeiro, to mark the milestone. It’s named after a river that doesn’t exist Legend dictates that Portuguese explorers, who landed in present day Rio in January 1502, mistook the iconic bay [�K]
Filed Under: Notícias de EUA

Supremo dos EUA está dividido sobre a reforma imigratória de Obama
Post on April 25, 2016, 1:22 pm by admin-2 0 Comments
Corte estudou nesta segunda a reforma para regularizar quase cinco milhões de imigrantes Um dos pilares da política doméstica do presidente Barack Obama, a reforma imigratória que anunciou em 2014 e que poderia regularizar quase cinco milhões de imigrantes, chegou nesta segunda-feira (18) à Suprema Corte, onde os juízes se mostraram divididos sobre sua legalidade. [�K]